When Molly first started blogging about linen there was a special passion and richness in her voice that resonated through her content. She made people want to feel again, filled them with emotion and enriched their lives listening to an ordinary women from Suzhou telling her life story to thousands through her blog. Linen was the foundation for this, this feeling that she evoked in others was a result of the spiritual nature of linen. You see, linen isn't like other materials, it has a deep, ancient and delicate history, calling it just a material would not be giving linen it's full due, this feeling Molly evoked is the same feeling you get when you wear linen. Linen can best be described as a living and breathing spirit, a natural, ancient material worn for thousands of years. 
Linen has this aura about it, a mystical, almost spiritual feeling you get when you wear a piece of handwoven linen clothing. It's ancient history as a chosen clothing material and the delicate, complex craftsmanship it takes to weave it in to clothing is what makes it so special. Linen is more than a material to us, it is a representation of this life style. A lifestyle about freedom and movement, and a connection with the world.
What Is Linen?
Linen has a history going back 10s of thousands of years. It is an ancient material used for generations for its sweat absorbent qualities and numerous health benefits in various different climates. It can be seen as far back as the ancient Egyptian civilizations and kingdoms. Linen is the end product as a result of weaving flax seed into thread which is then woven in to linen. 

Characteristics of Linen
Flax is twisted into thread before it’s woven into linen. Unlike chemical fiber and cotton which have a smooth surface, linen has a vivid concavo-convex vein.It is the most powerful natural fiber in the world, this strong flax fiber allows us to press and weave it without it tearing. Flax is the cortex fiber of a plant, which has a function similar to human skin, it's natural properties protect the body by adjusting body temperature.
Linen when compared to other fabrics, has sweat reducing properties that other fabrics don't, it is similar to the human body in that it regulates body temperature. It is able to absorb water several times faster than silk, rayon and even cotton. The natural breath-ability, freshness and sweat releasing properties of flax make it a breath-free textile. Linen is known as the "natural air conditioning” material, it's able to reduce human body temperatures by 4-8 °C during hot days.

The Health Benefits of Linen


The spirit of linen extends to the scientifically proven health benefits found when wearing linen. When you wear linen a sense of comfort, calmness and safety overwhelm you. You are wearing the most natural clothing material of mankind and are benefiting physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually from it. people The sick have been wrapped in linen clothing for thousands of years, often time they reported healing from their illness faster as a result. Monks, priests and spiritual healers have chosen linen as the clothing of choice for years, biblical and other religious texts of nations through out history have all referenced flax in some form. We don't believe in coincidences, nor do we believe linen to be the savior of mankind, but we do believe in it's spirit, those who choose to wear linen will all understand.


Keep Dry: Linen is quick to absorb and release water. It can absorb as much water as 20% of its own weight while releasing the absorbed water quickly to keep your skin dry and comfortable.
Cool: Linen dissipates heat 5 times faster than wool and 19 times faster than silk. In hot weather conditions, the skin temperature in linen clothing will be 3-4 degrees Celsius cooler than that in silk or cotton clothing.
Radiation Protection: Wearing a piece of linen clothing can greatly reduce the impact of radiation. We are exposed to computers every day in our work and receive lots of radiation, so linen clothing is really a good choice for us.
Allergy Prevention: Linen clothing is undoubtedly a great choice for those who suffer from skin allergy, as it will not cause allergic reactions. Flax can reduce inflammation,prevent fever and help to treat some allergic diseases.
Bacteria Protection: Flax is excellent in inhibiting bacteria and fungus. According to a study by Japanese researchers, linen sheets can effectively prevent bedridden patients from bedsores. Linen clothing helps to prevent certain skin diseases such as ordinary rashes and chronic eczema.